welcome to beauty secrets

Established in 1998, Nusoy Designs, once a web design agency, is now a Second Life branding and marketing consortium offering strategic planning, design, and technology services.

Our goal is to establish your brand, and help connect your company with the world—and beyond.

We have exclusive access to high-caliber technologies that will give yours the edge it needs to stand out from the crowd.



Web Design

We have had nearly ten years of experience in web and graphics design. Our developers are experts in standard web design technologies like HTML/CSS, Javascript, PHP/MySQL, and Flash, and are familiar with traditional tools like C++ and Java, as well as .NET. Our clients are too many to list, ranging from Advanced and Auzen to myFractal, TurnGen and Zephyr. We have designed logos from Auzen and Centaurina to SLgle and SLtracer.


Second Life Design

We provide all the major components of a successful presence on Second Life (SL):

  • 3D Builds: Our builds are designed by Ina Centaur of Ina Centaur Architecture, a high-profile Second Life building and modeling group.
  • Custom Avatar Creation: We have acquired SLface, a service that efficiently enables the high-quality mapping of a photo onto an avatar face skin.
  • LSL & Data Integration: Our developers are the founders and head programmers of various inworld-to-web data tracking services like SLtracer and SLchatr.
  • Advertising & Publicity: We have contacts to all SL periodicals and have access to high-caliber publications known for their fine quality, such as sLiterary Magazine, a free literary magazine that is distributed to over 1000 inworld users and receives over 20,000 hits per month.
  • Planning: We are knowledgeable in everything from beautiful builds to scripting, and we are capable of giving you the best advice to help your business succeed on Second Life.